Stremitzer, Alexander, Prof.
Professor of Law (UCLA, 2015-2018)
Assistant Professor of Law (UCLA, 2011-2015)
Visiting Assistant Professor (Yale Law School, 2009/2010)
Assistant Professor of Economics (University of Bonn, 2006-2009)
Ph.D. in Business Economics (WU-Vienna)
J.D. (University of Vienna)
M.I.M.-CEMS (HEC-Paris)
B.Sc. in Business Administration (WU-Vienna)
Before joining ETH Zurich in May 2018, Alexander Stremitzer was a full Professor of Law at UCLA from 2015 to 2018 and an Assistant Professor of Law at UCLA from 2011 to 2015. Prior to that, he was Assistant Professor of Economics at the University of Bonn. He held visiting appointments at Yale Law School, at Yale University’s economics department, at Northwestern Pritzker School of Law, UCLA Law School, and at Harvard Law School. He also spent extended research visits at NYU Law School, ETH Zurich and Columbia University's Center for Contracts and Economic Organization. In 2020, he was elected to the Board of Directors of the American Law and Economics Association, and in 2024, he was elected to the Board of Directors of the European Association of Law & Economics.
Research Overview
Alexander Stremitzer's research and teaching interests include theoretical and experimental law and economics, contracts, business bankruptcy, and contract design. In addition to works in German, his recent scholarly work in English has been published in several journals, including the Journal of Legal Studies, the Journal of Law, Economics, & Organization, the Journal of Law & Economics, the American Review of Law & Economics, Games & Economic Behavior, the Journal of Institutional and Theoretical Economics, the University of Chicago Law Review Online, the Harvard Journal of Law and Technology, and the Yale Law Journal. Furthermore, Alexander conducts lab, internet, and field experiments on legal and social institutions. He is also interested in the effects of new technologies on legal policy, regulation, and private ordering.
- Building a Better Lawyer: Experimental Evidence that AI Can Increase Legal Work Efficiency (with Aileen Nielsen, Laura Skylaki and Milda Norkute), Journal of Empirical Legal Studies, 21(4), 979-1022 (2024). external page Full Text | Working Paper Version
- The Political Economy of Personalized Law: Comment on Omri Ben-Shahar’s and Ariel Porat’s book “Personalized Law”, Jerusalem Review of Legal Studies, 29(1), 85-90 (2024) external page Full Text
- Aspirational Rules (with Adi Leibovitch), Journal of Legal Studies, 51(2), 427-453 (2022). external page Full Text | external page SSRN
- Vaccine Passports as a Constitutional Right (with Kevin L. Cope and Ilya Somin), Arizona State Law Journal, 54(1), 25-102 (2022). external page Full Text | external page SSRN
- Having Your Day in Robot Court (with Ben Chen and Kevin Tobia), Harvard Journal of Law & Technology, 36(1), 127-169 (2022). external page Full Text | external page SSRN
- Checking Websites' GDPR Consent Compliance for Marketing Emails (with Karel Kubicek, Jakob Merane, Carlos Cotrini, Stefan Bechtold, and David Basin), 22nd Privacy Enhancing Technologies Symposium (PoPETS 2022.2), 282-303 (2022). external page Full Text
- Experimental Methods in Constitutional Law? (with Adi Leibovitch), as part of the series: Measuring Impact in Constitutional Law,The University of Chicago Law Review Online, April 2021. external page Full Text
- When Does Physician Use of AI Increase Liability? (with Kevin Tobia and Aileen Nielsen), Journal of Nuclear Medicine, 62(1), 17-21 (2021). external page Full Text | external page SSRN | external page Short Video
- Promises, Reliance, and Psychological Lock-In (with Rebecca Stone), Journal of Legal Studies, 49(1), 33-72 (2020). external page Full Text | external page SSRN | Download Experimental Protocols (PDF, 2.9 MB)
- Promises, Expectations, and Social Cooperation (with Dorothee Mischkowski and Rebecca Stone), Journal of Law & Economics, 62(4), 687-712 (2019). external page Full Text | external page SSRN | Download Experimental Protocols (PDF, 1.9 MB)
- Moral Intuitions of Promise Keeping (with Florian Ederer), Principia, 65, 5-33 (2018). external page Full Text | external page SSRN
- Promises and Expectations (with Florian Ederer), Games and Economic Behavior, 106, 161-178 (2017). external page Full Text | external page SSRN
- Stretch It But Don’t Break It: The Hidden Cost of Contract Framing (with Richard R.W. Brooks and Stephan Tontrup), Journal of Legal Studies, 46(2), 399-426 (2017). external page Full Text | external page SSRN | external page Experimental Protocols
- The Robustness Case for Proportional Liability (with Avraham D. Tabbach), The B.E. Journal of Theoretical Economics (BEJTE), 14(1), 371-395 (2014). external page Full Text | external page SSRN
- Breach Remedies Inducing Hybrid Investments (with Daniel Göller), International Review of Law & Economics, 37, 26-38 (2014). external page Full Text | external page SSRN
- On and Off Contract Remedies Inducing Cooperative Investments (with Richard R. W. Brooks), American Law and Economics Review, 14(2), 488-516 (2012). external page Full Text | external page SSRN
- Opportunistic Termination, Journal of Law, Economics, and Organization, 28(3), 381-406 (2012). external page Full Text | external page SSRN
- Standard Breach Remedies, Quality Thresholds, and Cooperative Investments, Journal of Law, Economics, and Organization, 28(2), 337-59 (2012). external page Full Text | external page SSRN
- Framing Contracts: Why Loss Framing Increases Effort (with Richard R. W. Brooks and Stephan Tontrup), Journal of Institutional and Theoretical Economics, 168(1), 62-82 (2012). external page Full Text | external page SSRN | external page Experimental Protocols
- Beyond Ex Post Expediency - An Ex Ante View of Rescission (with Richard R.W. Brooks), Washington and Lee Law Review, 68(3), 1171-83 (2011). external page Full Text | external page SSRN
- Remedies On and Off Contract (with Richard R.W. Brooks),Yale Law Journal, 120(4), 690-727 (2011). external page Full Text | external page SSRN
- Der Einwand rechtmäßigen Alternativverhaltens - Rechtsvergleich, Ökonomische Analyse und Implikationen für die Proportionalhaftung (with Kristoffel Grechenig), Rabels Zeitschrift für ausländisches und internationales Privatrecht, 73(2), 336-371 (2009). (English Title: The Doctrine of Proximate Cause - A Comparative and Economic Approach and its Implications for Proportional Liability) external page Full Text | external page SSRN
- Haftung bei Unsicherheit des hypothetischen Kausalitätsverlaufs – Berechnungsmethoden am Beispiel der Arzthaftung, Archiv für die civilistische Praxis (AcP), 208(5), 676-698 (Oktober 2008). (English Title: Liability under Uncertain Causation – Calculation of Damages in Medical Malpractice Cases) external page Full Text | external page SSRN
Comments and Short Papers
- Contract Remedies: Ex Post vs Ex Ante: Comment, Journal of Institutional and Theoretical Economics, 173(1), 110-113, 2017. external page Full Text
- The Measure of a MAC: A Quasi-Experimental Protocol for Tokenizing Force Majeure Clauses in M&A Agreements: Comment, Journal of Institutional and Theoretical Economics, 168(1), 206-208 (2012). external page Full Text
- If You Give Shareholders Power, Do They Use It?: Comment, Journal of Institutional and Theoretical Economics, 166(1), 58-61 (2010). external page Full Text | external page SSRN
- Erga Omnes Norms and the Enforcement of International Law: Comment, Journal of Institutional and Theoretical Economics, 165(1), 29-32 (2009). external page Full Text | external page SSRN
- Exploiting Plaintiffs through Settlement: Divide and Conquer: Comment, Journal of Institutional and Theoretical Economics, 164(1), 27-30 (2008). external page Full Text | external page SSRN
Books and Book Chapters
- Die Proportionalhaftung bei Verlust einer Chance – Eine rechtsökonomische und rechtsvergleichende Analyse unter Berücksichtigung des deutschen, schweizerischen, und österreichischen Rechts (with Martin Monsch), in Deutsches Deliktsrecht aus Ökonomischer Perspektive, 16. Travemünder Symposium zur Ökonomischen Analyse des Rechts, 242-288 (edited by F. Faust und H.-B. Schäfer, Mohr Siebeck, Tübingen, 2024).
- Die Proportionalhaftung als vorzugswürdiges Haftungsregime (with Gregor Christandl), in Interdisziplinäre Studien zur Komparatistik und zum Kollisionsrecht, 201-35 (edited by B. Verschraegen, Jan Sramek Verlag, Wien, 2010). (English Title: Proportional Liability as the Preferrable Liability Regime, in Interdisciplinary Studies of Comparative and Private International Law.)
- Ökonomische Analyse der Organhaftung (with Georg Eckert and Kristoffel Grechenig), in Vorstandshaftung in 15 europäischen Ländern, 95-163 (edited by S. Klass, Linde Verlag, Wien, 2005). (English Title: Economic Analysis of Director’s Liability) external page Full Text | external page SSRN
- Agency Theory: Methodology, Analysis. A Structured Approach to Writing Contracts. Peter Lang (2005). Part of the Outstanding Dissertations Series of the Vienna University of Economics and Business Administration.
Case Studies and Teaching Materials
- external page The Fehmarnbelt Fixed Link: A Case Study in the Optimization of Construction Contracts (with Daniel Alterbaum, Richard R. W. Brooks and Henrik Lando), Yale School of Management Case No. 10-040 (2011).
- Would Humans Trust an A.I. Judge? More Easily Than You Think. (with Benjamin Chen & Kevin Tobia), Slate Magazine, 28 February 2023. external page Full Text
- The Constitution Requires the U.S. to Offer Vaccine Passports (with Kevin Cope), Slate Magazine, 4 May 2021. external page Full Text
- Verfassungsrechtlich unproblematisch und sogar geboten / Constitutionally permitted – and even required, ETH News, 23 April 2021. Full Text German | Full Text English
- Governments are constitutionally permitted to provide ‘vaccine passports’ – we think some may also be constitutionally obligated to do so (with Kevin Cope), Journal of Nuclear Medicine, April 2021. external page Full Text
- Discussion with Leaders: Irène Buvat and Ken Herrmann Talk with Alexander Stremitzer, Kevin Tobia, and Aileen Nielsen, Journal of Nuclear Medicine, 62(1), 3-5 (2021). external page Full Text
- Künstliche Intelligenz – Rechtliche Leitplanken und neue Haftungsrisiken (with Jakob Merane), Recht relevant. für Verwaltungsräte, 6|2020.
Working Papers
- Norm-Based Enforcement of Promises (with Nate Atkinson and Rebecca Stone), UCLA School of Law, Law-Econ Research Paper 19-04, Journal of Law, Economics, and Organization, reject and resubmit. external page SSRN
- Private Sector Regulation Increases Contact Tracing App Uptake: A Lesson for Vaccines (with Aileen Nielsen, Meirav Furth-Matzkin, and Henry Kim).
external page Richard R.W. Brooks; external page Gregor Christandl; external page Georg Eckert; external page Florian Ederer; external page Daniel Goeller; external page Kristoffel Grechenig; external page Henrik Lando; external page Adi Leibovitch; external page Dorothee Mischkowski; external page Avi Tabbach; external page Stephan Tontrup; external page Kevin Cope, external page Ilya Somin, external page Kevin Tobia, external page Ben Minhao Chen, external page Rebecca Stone, Aileen Nielsen, external page Henry Kim, external page Meirav Furth-Matzkin, external page Emanuel Towfigh
Professor Stremitzer is specialized in teaching on Contracts, Business Bankruptcy, Contract Design, Law and Economics, and Internet Privacy. At ETH he is currently offering:
- Grundzüge des Rechts (in Deutscher Sprache)
Diese Vorlesung bietet eine Einführung in das Recht. Ziel der Vorlesung ist es Nichtjuristen mit grundlegenden Rechtsregeln, und deren Funktion in der Gesellschaft vertraut zu machen. - Law & Economics Lecture and Workshop Series (in English)
The Law & Economics Lecture and Workshop Series is an interdisciplinary workshop that brings together scholars and students from various Swiss universities. Leading Law & Economics scholars present their current research. Students will write graded reaction papers. This course is particularly well suited for students who wish to learn more about law and economics and to see the scholarly process in action. Many of the papers will be technical so students should have some knowledge of empirical methods and ideally a basic understanding of calculus. - Contract Design I (in English)
This course takes an engineering approach to contracting. It aims to bridge the gap between economic contract theory, contract law scholarship and the drafting of real world contracts. Students will apply insights from mechanism design and law to the design of real world incentive compatible contracts. - Contract Design II (in English)
This course is a clinic/simulation in which you will apply insights from Contract Design I to structure a Complex Contract for a (hypothetical) Client Organization: You will work within your small group outside of class time to structure a contract for a complex transaction. Each small group will be presented with a real world deal or case study. - Algorithms and Fairness (in English)
In this course we address the increasingly important question of what AI fairness means and how AI fairness can be addressed by legal, social science, and applied mathematical research to inform policy making. The aim is to understand the history of fairness as defined in law, social science, and applied mathematics research; to identify logical and mathematical conflicts between different definitions of fairness; and to explain why fairness and AI is a highly contested and unresolved problem in law.
- Law & Tech (in English)
This course, which is co-taught by law professor Alexander Stremitzer and fellow in law and technology Aileen Nielsen, introduces students to legal, economic, and social perspectives on the increasing economic and social importance of technology. We focus particularly on the challenges to current law posed by the increasing rate of tech innovation and adoption generally and also by case-specific features of prominent near-future technologies. The course is intended for a wide range of engineering students, from machine learning to bioengineering to human computer interaction, as well as for law students interested in acquiring a better understanding of state-of-the-art technology. The course will combine both an overview of major areas of law that affect the regulation of technology and also guest lectures on the state-of-the art in a variety of important technologies, ranging from autonomous vehicles to fair artificial intelligence to consumer-facing DNA technologies.The course is open to ETH students through the Science in Perspective program of the Department of Humanities, Social and Political Sciences. - Business Strategy and Corporate Governance (in English)
This course is taught by Prof. Eric Zolt (UCLA), Prof. Alexander Stremitzer (CLE/ETH Zurich), and Alessandro Tacconelli (CLE/ETH Zurich). The class uses case studies to explore complex legal, business and ethical issues that surround modern corporate governance with a special emphasis on tech companies. Issues include corporate purpose (Airbnb), challenges related to start-ups and founder-dominated firms (Theranos and WeWork), disruptors ignoring established legal rules (Uber), and governance in non-profit organizations (FIFA).
Previous Teaching Activities
- Internet Privacy (in English), ETH Zurich, F 2019
- Business Bankruptcy, UCLA School of Law, F 2017
- 1L Contracts, UCLA School of Law, S 2012, F 2012, S 2013, F 2013, S 2014, S 2015, F 2016